ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox Site Map

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Page Type Page
Main Existing Conditions
Topic Pipe Deterioration
Subtopic Deterioration Accelerates with Time
Subtopic Extent of Corrosion May Limit Repair Options
Subtopic Deterioration at Invert is Hard to Detect
Subtopic Corrosion Occurs from Outside In
Subtopic Inspect Full Length of Pipe
Subtopic Connection between Riser and Conduit often First to Fail
Subtopic Bituminous Coating Impact on Design Life of Pipe
Subtopic Treatment Types
Subtopic Exposed Steel
Subtopic Longitudinal Cracking
Subtopic Joint Deterioration - Pay me now or pay me later
Subtopic Service Life
Subtopic Continuous Flows can Reduce Deterioration in Downstream Valves
Topic Seepage and Piping
Subtopic Seepage and erosion around the conduit must be taken seriously
Subtopic Seepage into pipe can go unnoticed for years until sinkhole develops
Subtopic Deteriorated conduits with holes can cause seepage
Subtopic Multiple Factors May Contribute to Internal Erosion Failures
Topic Operation
Subtopic Debris Clogging Intake Structure can lead to Overtopping
Subtopic Use a Limit Nut on Gates
Topic Erosion/Energy Dissipation
Subtopic Headcuts in stream can lead to failure
Subtopic Erosion that cuts into the toe of dam can cause embankment instability
Topic Investigation Methods
Subtopic Go-Pro Mounted on a Sled
Subtopic Closed Conduit Television Camera
Main Rehab vs. Replacement
Subtopic ⚠ Gather Information Before Design
Subtopic Pipe too deteriorated? Sliplining is not an option.
Topic Conduit / Pipe Rehabilitation
Subtopic Slipline Example 1
Subtopic Slipline Example 2
Subtopic ⚠ May force water along outside of pipe
Subtopic ⚠ May require more grout than anticipated
Subtopic CIPP Works well for Smaller Conduits
Subtopic ⚠ Cautions for CIPP in Large Diameter Conduit
Subtopic CIPP Example 1
Subtopic CIPP Example 2
Subtopic Internal Repair of Isolated Damage (Joint)
Subtopic Filter Diaphragm Exhibits
Subtopic Filter Diaphragm may Require Downstream Pipe Replacement or Extension
Topic Replacement
Subtopic Coated CMP Example, Low-Hazard Dam
Subtopic HDPE Encased in Concrete
Subtopic PVC in Small, Low-Hazard Dam
Subtopic Concrete Bedding is Easier to Bed than Clay
Subtopic Importance of a Dry Trench During Construction with Concrete Cradle
Topic Abandonment
Subtopic Abandonment Example 1
Main Outlet Configuration
Topic Upstream Control
Subtopic Sloping Gate Example 1
Subtopic Sloping Gate Example 2
Subtopic Upstream Gate Stem can be Protected by Concrete or Riprap
Subtopic Upstream Control with Single Gate
Subtopic Upstream Control with Multiple Gates
Subtopic Ice and Debris may cause Damage
Subtopic Wet Tower with Spillway Splitter Wall No. 1
Subtopic Wet Tower with Spillway Splitter Wall No. 2
Subtopic Dual Chamber with Dual Slide Gates
Subtopic Single Chamber and Gate
Topic Downstream Control
Subtopic ⚠ Include an Upstream Gate/Valve
Main Siphons
Subtopic Siphons when regular releases aren't needed
Subtopic Siphoning May Not Always Be Possible
Subtopic Low Pressure During Siphoning Can Collapse Pipe
Subtopic Pump... or Siphon?
Subtopic Siphons can pose Reservoir Level Control Challenges.
Main Filters and Drains
Topic General Information
Subtopic Filter Diaphragm Exhibits
Subtopic Filter Diaphragm may Require Downstream Pipe Replacement or Extension
Topic Drainage Pipes
Subtopic Access is Needed for Inspection, Cleanout, and Measurement
Subtopic Typical Toe Drain Pipe Construction
Topic Soils
Subtopic Typical Filter and Drain Configurations
Main Accounting for Energy Dissipation
Subtopic Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basin Examples
Subtopic Impact Basin Examples
Subtopic Stilling Well Examples
Subtopic Conduit Outlet Expansion Examples
Subtopic Riprap and Concrete Blocks Examples
Subtopic Baffled Drop Examples
Main Construction Considerations
Subtopic Filter Diaphragms
Topic Pipe Installation
Subtopic Concrete Bedding Easier than Clay
Subtopic Importance of a Dry Trench During Construction with Concrete Cradle
Subtopic Pipe Grade
Topic Dealing with Mud/Muck
Subtopic Anticipate dewatering problems in advance
Subtopic Underwater Construction