ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Site Planning

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 23:45, 26 January 2023 by Grichards (talk | contribs)
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Site planning for a new dam or rehabilitation design "should be developed in accordance with state-of-the-art design techniques and construction practices and in a manner commensurate with its size, function, geologic setting, and potential hazard classification. Careful attention must be given to the following planning and design considerations":

  1. "Selection of the dam site
  2. Evaluation of geologic setting and hazard potential
  3. "Estimation of the PMF and selection of the IDF
  4. "Identification of earthquake source area and structure, estimation of MCE’s, and identification of earthquake-related safety concerns
  5. "Development of a site-specific geotechnical exploration program
  6. "Design of the foundation, dam, and appurtenant structures
  7. "Design of a system of instrumentation to monitor the performance of the dam, foundation, and appurtenant structures
  8. "Development of an initial reservoir-filling and surveillance plan and of reservoir drawdown criteria
  9. "Preparation of designer’s operating criteria and identification of special considerations to be observed during construction and operation
  10. "Provisions for the automatic, independent review by competent individuals of all design decisions, methods, procedures, and results related to dam safety
  11. "Provisions to revise the design to make it compatible with conditions encountered during construction." [1]


Revision ID: 6494
Revision Date: 01/26/2023