Site Planning
From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Site planning for a new dam or rehabilitation design "should be developed in accordance with state-of-the-art design techniques and construction practices and in a manner commensurate with its size, function, geologic setting, and potential hazard classification. Careful attention must be given to the following planning and design considerations":
- "Selection of the dam site
- "Estimation of the PMF and selection of the IDF
- "Identification of earthquake source area and structure, estimation of MCE’s, and identification of earthquake-related safety concerns
- "Development of a site-specific geotechnical exploration program
- "Design of the foundation, dam, and appurtenant structures
- "Design of a system of instrumentation to monitor the performance of the dam, foundation, and appurtenant structures
- "Development of an initial reservoir-filling and surveillance plan and of reservoir drawdown criteria
- "Preparation of designer’s operating criteria and identification of special considerations to be observed during construction and operation
- "Provisions for the automatic, independent review by competent individuals of all design decisions, methods, procedures, and results related to dam safety
- "Provisions to revise the design to make it compatible with conditions encountered during construction." [1]
Revision ID: 5187
Revision Date: 12/12/2022