Design Criteria for Concrete Arch and Gravity Dams (EM 19)
The United States Bureau of Reclamation, 1977
The Bureau of Reclamation's philosophy of concrete dam design is founded on rational and consistent criteria which provide for safe, economical, functional, durable, and easily maintained structures. It is desirable, therefore, to establish, maintain, and update design criteria. Under special conditions, consideration can be given to deviating from these standards. In those situations the designer bears the responsibility for any deviation and therefore, should be careful to consider all ramifications. Accordingly, each of the criteria definitions in this monograph is preceded by a discussion of the underlying considerations to explain the basis of the criterion. This serves as a guide in appraising the wisdom of deviating from a particular criterion for special conditions.
Revision ID: 2003
Revision Date: 07/22/2022