ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Step 4 of Pre-Analysis Communication: Proceed with Modeling and Keep Communication Channels Open

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After the scope of work is developed, agreed upon by the dam owner and engineer, and a corresponding modeling plan is approved by the regulatory agency, the modeling effort can begin. After the consultant or modeler has collected and reviewed all pertinent data and performed preliminary analysis, it may be beneficial to hold an additional meeting with the owner or both the owner and regulator. This allows the project team to reassess key assumptions and further agree upon the modeling approach moving forward or make course corrections to the modeling effort, prior to using too much of the budget. Presentation of the preliminary analysis should be clear and concise to allow the regulator to quickly comprehend the preliminary results, evaluate that appropriate assumptions have been made, validate that the model inputs are appropriate, and assess the credibility of results. Presentation preparation may require significant effort and should be scoped accordingly. Documentation of the outcome of any preliminary meetings should be prepared as meeting minutes and shared with the regulator for concurrence.

While working through these initial steps, the modeler should also develop a plan or framework for final documentation of the modeling effort. This documentation will represent the culmination of the modeling effort and should summarize how the modeling effort met its objectives. Changes from pre-analysis communication are part of the process, and these should also be documented and justified in final documentation. Consideration should be given to how the results of the model will be presented both prior to and throughout the analysis process to ensure effective reporting. Detailed guidance regarding final documentation of modeling results is provided in the Post-Modeling Communication Fact Sheet (currently under development).

Development of this page was sponsored by the Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation with funding from the FEMA Assistance to States Grant Program.

Revision ID: 8023
Revision Date: 08/06/2024