ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

On-Demand Webinar : Spillway Gates and Dewatering Systems - Lessons Learned and Practical Solutions

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Association of State Dam Safety Officials, 2023

This webinar will cover lessons learned in gate rehabilitation projects and issues associated with deciding between a rehabilitation project and a gate replacement project. Dewatering options for a spillway gate rehabilitation project will be discussed. Many times, the extent of the rehabilitation issues is unknown until the gate has been dewatered and the seals and coatings have been removed. Rehabilitation can range from relatively straightforward seal replacement and recoating to more complicated member strengthening or cutout/replacement and trunnion anchorage strengthening, and these efforts will be discussed. Other items to be discussed include seal hardware, installation and adjustment, procedures for testing the gate for leakage, field inspections, and commissioning following a rehabilitation project.

Key Takeaways:

1. Decision-making for gate rehabilitation versus replacement.

2. Improvements to gate design and specifications.

3. Evaluation and retrofitting of gate anchorage.

4. Dewatering systems and applications to dam projects.

5. Construction findings from gate rehabilitation and remedies.

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Speaker(s): Mathew Moses and Layne Bukhair

Revision ID: 7880
Revision Date: 05/27/2024