ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

On-Demand Webinar : Hydraulic Tour of Standard NRCS Inlet Risers

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Association of State Dam Safety Officials, 2024

This webinar will describe USDA-NRCS riser inlets for watershed dams. USDA-ARS research on various riser configurations informed the current standard NRCS riser design. Other NRCS inlet risers exist for specific design situations.

Maintenance concerns for continued optimum riser performance will be discussed. Finally, this webinar will explore how NRCS criteria protects earth spillways by requiring separation between the riser crest and auxiliary spillway crest.

Key Takeaways:

1. Learn how field performance and ARS research have shaped the NRCS standard Dx3D riser.
2. Understand hydraulic considerations for sizing a standard NRCS riser.
3. Select NRCS design hydrographs for evaluating riser performance.
4. Discuss riser capacity interaction with earth and structural auxiliary spillways.
5. Learn about typical NRCS riser maintenance considerations.

Access Training Here

Dhan, Gautam
Visser, Karl
Wang, Hong

Revision ID: 8152
Revision Date: 01/21/2025