ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

On-Demand Webinar: Advances in Geologic Data Collection and 3D Geologic Modeling for Site Characterization and Safety Studies for Dams and Levees

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Association of State Dam Safety Officials, 2017

This course will address a variety of geologic issues in dam and levee design and safety engineering, with emphasis on the application of 3D geologic modeling and other technologies to enhance communication between the project geoscientists and the project engineers, regulators, and other stakeholders.

Key Take-aways:

  • The critical nature of the interaction between as-built dam and levee structures and natural geology and how this interaction has led to major dam failures and incidents.
  • The challenges of effective communication between geoscientists, whose worlds consist of incomplete data, uncertainties, and assumptions, and engineers, whose worlds consist of precise calculations, known materials, and design handbooks.
  • The value of a 3D geologic model that integrates available information to enhance and improve knowledge transfer from the geoscientists to project engineers, regulators, and other stakeholders.
  • The exciting new technologies and tools available to geoscientists to increase efficiency and enhance the process of collecting, sharing, analyzing, visualizing, and digitally storing geologic data.

Access Training Here

Speaker(s): Robert P. Cannon, Gary D. Rogers and Guy-Justin Nuyda

Revision ID: 2287
Revision Date: 08/19/2022