ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Interim Risk Reduction Measures for Dam Safety (EC 1110-2-6064)

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United States Army Corps of Engineers, 2007

The purpose of this EC is to establish policy for developing, preparing and implementing Interim Risk Reduction Measures (IRRM). The imperative objective is to reduce the probability and consequences of catastrophic failure to the maximum extent that is reasonably practicable while long term remedial measures are pursued.

All dams are unique and have specific vulnerabilities and potential failure modes that require expert judgment. Prevention of loss of life is paramount over all other social, economic, environmental, and political considerations. Loss of life shall be given preference in all decisions regarding the safety of a dam and in the formulation of prudent risk reduction strategies.

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2007 (current)

Errata/Special Notes:


Revision ID: 5900
Revision Date: 12/16/2022