Flood Hydrology Manual
The United States Bureau of Reclamation, 1989

The need for a comprehensive Flood Hydrology Manual for the Bureau of Reclamation has become apparent as increasing numbers of civil engineers are called upon to conduct flood hydrology studies for new and existing Bureau dams. This is particularly important because of the increasing emphasis that has been placed on dam safety nationwide. In general, these engineers possess varying backgrounds and levels of experience in the specialty area of flood hydrology. Accordingly, the primary purpose of this manual is to provide the necessary background, relationships, criteria, and procedures to allow the engineer to conduct satisfactory flood hydrology studies. As a result, these studies should reflect greater consistency and reliability of results for most of the drainage basins encountered in Bureau projects as well as those for other water resource construction agencies. These relationships, criteria, and procedures are based on detailed analyses of hydrologic and meteorologic data and studies of observed flood and severe rainfall events that have
accumulated over the years.
The information contained in this manual reflects the methodologies currently used by the Bureau in performing flood hydrology studies. These methodologies have been proven to provide satisfactory results for use in the planning, design, construction, and operation of the Bureau’s water control facilities. However, it would be inappropriate to infer that these methods are the final solutions to hydrologic problems because other methods are constantly evolving. It can reasonably be expected that, as additional data are collected and as new and more advanced techniques emerge, these methodologies will be improved upon and modified with the passage of time. It is also expected that such modifications and improvements will be fully incorporated into future editions of this manual.
Revision ID: 5966
Revision Date: 12/17/2022