Applications of Roller-Compacted Concrete in Rehabilitation and Replacement of Hydraulic Structures (TR REMR-CS-53)
From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
United States Army Corps of Engineers, 1997

The objective of this study was to prepare case histories on selected projects that illustrate current practices in rehabilitation and replacement of dams and related hydraulic structures with RCC.
For each of the case studies included in this report, an attempt was made to obtain (a) a description of the project, (b) the cause and extent of the deficiency that necessitated repair or replacement, (c) design details, (d) mixture proportions, (e) descriptions of materials, equipment, and placement procedures, (f) costs, and (g) RCC performance to date. Based on a review and analysis of these case histories, recommendations for future applications of RCC were developed.
Revision ID: 5910
Revision Date: 12/16/2022