ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Contamination / Environmental Pollutants

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 21:20, 12 December 2022 by Rmanwaring (talk | contribs)
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"The primary focus of these guidelines is the planning, data collection, and design aspects of multi-purpose wetlands to meet Reclamation ecosystem restoration goals, which include improved water quality. Both hydraulic analysis and statistical analysis of wetlands are necessary for proper design. Monitoring of water quality, wetland health, and wildlife habitat is equally necessary for proper evaluation of the systems and subsequent development of future designs... There are six important input data recommendations for wetland water quality analysis and ecosystem restoration:[1]

  • Differentiate Between Natural and Constructed Wetlands
  • Identify Upstream Boundary Conditions
  • Selecting Sampling Locations
  • Develop a Wetland Sample Analysis Plan
  • Hydraulics Analysis
  • Statistical Data Analysis"[1]

Best Practices Resources

Dam Removal Analysis Guidelines for Sediment (Bureau of Reclamation)

Guidelines for Collecting Data to Support Statistical Analysis of Water Quality for Wetland Planning, USBR, 2013


Revision ID: 5188
Revision Date: 12/12/2022