ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox

Movement Surveillance & Monitoring

From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 17:47, 16 September 2022 by Grichards (talk | contribs)
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"All structures move as the result of applied loads. Embankments settle and spread over time as the result of consolidation and secondary settlement of the dam and foundation from self weight. Embankments also deform due to external loads produced by reservoir water, rapid drawdown, earthquakes, undermining, swelling clays, and piping. Concrete structures deform due to internal loads such as pore pressure, cooling, and alkali aggregate reaction of concrete; and external loads caused by air and reservoir temperature, solar radiation, reservoir levels, uplift pressure, wind, earthquakes, undermining, ice, overflowing water, swelling clay, and foundation settlement."[1]

Movements in response to such loads are normal and acceptable, provided they are within tolerable ranges and do not cause structural distress. Embankments are less brittle than concrete structures and can undergo larger movements without distress. As a result, measurements of surface movements of embankment dams are typically less precise than those for concrete structures. Sudden or unexpected direction, magnitude, or trend of surface movement could indicate developing problems. Internal movement measurements of both concrete and embankment dams and their foundations should be detailed and precise.[1]

Types of Movement

Best Practices Resources

Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects: Chapter 9- Instrumentation and Monitoring (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)


Revision ID: 3450
Revision Date: 09/16/2022