Incremental Damage Analysis
“Incremental: Under the same conditions (e.g., flood, earthquake, or other event), the difference in impacts that would occur due to failure or mis-operation of the dam over those that would have occurred without failure or mis-operation of the dam and appurtenances” [1].
“It should be understood that the ‘hazard potential’ is the possible adverse incremental consequences that result from the release of water or stored contents due to failure or misoperation of the dam. Incremental consequences are defined as the impacts that would occur due to failure or misoperation of the dam over those that would have occurred without failure or misoperation of the dam. The hazard potential assigned to a dam is based on consideration of the incremental adverse effects of failure during both normal and flood flow conditions. Hazard potential does not indicate the structural integrity of the dam itself, but rather the consequences should dam failure occur”. [2].
Best Practices Resources
Revision ID: 2743
Revision Date: 09/12/2022