Message: Sliplining large diameter pipe takes extra planning.
As part of a major dam rehabilitation project, an 84-inch arch concrete outlet was slip lined with a 72-inch diameter welded steel pipe.
Due to the pipe size and other construction restrictions, the steel pipe was inserted into the outlet in multiple sections. A trolley system for moving the pipe up the conduit was constructed by the contractor in order to both increase safety and to minimize damage to the pipe
After placement, the joints between the sections of pipe were welded. Each weld was tested to ensure there were no defects in the joints.
This sliplining project had a relatively large annular space to grout. Grout was placed in four separate lifts using a grouting gallery in order to control fluid pressure on the pipe, floatation of the pipe, bleed water from the grout, and the heat produced during the grout curing process.
Note: The content on this page was originally created as part of (DOWL, 2018). It has subsequently been updated and reformatted as part of the Dam Safety Toolbox.
Revision ID: 3163
Revision Date: 09/15/2022