ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox


From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 21:14, 12 September 2022 by Rmanwaring (talk | contribs)
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The hydraulic design of a dam includes a knowledge of, but not limited to, the following foundational topics: pressurized and free-surface flow, uniform flow, gradually and rapidly varied flow, steady and unsteady flow, energy and momentum principles, energy losses, and cavitation. [1]

Hydraulic Design Criteria

[paragraph here]

Types of Evaluations

[paragraph here]

Types of Hydraulic Modeling

Selection of either a one-, two-, or three-dimensional hydraulic model is necessary depending on both the complexity of the flow conditions and the level of accuracy required of the model. Hydraulic modeling helps to attain a higher-optimized level of operation of the dam and reduce uncertainty.

“Maintaining the high efficiency of a spillway requires careful design of the spillway crest, the approach configuration, and the piers and abutments. For this reason, when design considerations require departure from established design data, model studies of the spillway system should be accomplished”.[2]

“A model study is recommended to confirm any design that involves complex geometric considerations and/or large discharges and velocities”.[2]


Best Practices Resources

Hydraulic Design of Spillways (EM 1110-2-1603)

Hydraulic Design of Spillways (EM 1110-2-1603)



Revision ID: 2755
Revision Date: 09/12/2022