ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox


From ASDSO Dam Safety Toolbox
Revision as of 20:40, 7 September 2022 by Cort (talk | contribs)
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β€œThe scope of the seismic hazard study at a site depends on the seismicity of a region or site-specific considerations, the types of structures involved, and the consequences of failure. The design and evaluation of dams for earthquake loading should be based on a comparable level of study and analysis for each phase of the study (seismotectonic, geological, site, geotechnical, and structural investigations) and that level of study should reflect both the criticality of the structure and the complexity of the analysis procedures".[1]


Best Practices Resources

Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Earthquake Analyses and Design of Dams (Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2005)



  1. ↑ Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Earthquake Analyses and Design of Dams, FEMA, 2005

Revision ID: 2435
Revision Date: 09/07/2022